Research seminar History Russia, Culture

The universe of Soviet things


Julie Deschepper


Sylvain Dufraisse

Maître de conférences à l'Université de Nantes

Anna Safronova

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Elena Smirnova

Université Paris-Diderot

The purpose of this seminar is to examine Soviet objects and study the formation of taste in food, clothes, furniture, etc. We describe both the production and the reception and use of these everyday things. At the same time, the investigation shows the specific uses of these things in a society of scarcity subject to confiscation, destruction and dispossession, where there is no clear line between private and public space.

The necessary dimension of comparison leads us to consider both the Soviet and other places, such as consumer societies. The seminar takes a multidisciplinary approach and is intended for historians, sociologists and anthropologists. The speakers reflect this desire for a plural scholarly approach.

The seminar sessions are held in French, English or Russian. Fluent English is required. If necessary, Russian translation can be provided.