
CERCEC – Centre for Russian, Caucasian and Central European Studies

54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris – France
Telephone : +33 1 49 54 83 04

Director of Publication : Françoise Daucé (Director of CERCEC)

Web Hosting

63-65 boulevard Masséna
75013 Paris – France
Telephone : +33 1 70 37 76 61
Fax : +33 1 43 73 18 51

Cercec is a joint research unit between :

National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)

3, rue Michel-Ange
75794 Paris cedex 16 – France
Telephone : +33 1 44 96 40 00
Fax : +33 1 44 96 53 90

President and CEO : Antoine Petit

School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS)

54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris – France
Telephone : +33 1 49 54 25 25

President : Christophe Prochasson


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