Franco-Russian Master's
Degree in History
From the academic year 2018-2019, EHESS and the Moscow School of Advanced Studies in Economics (HSE, Государственный Университет “Высшая школа экономики,” known as “Vyshka”) offer a bi-national (Franco-Russian), two-year dual master’s degree.
Students from both Schools will be admitted to the Program after enrolling in their institutions’ own Master’s program:
Students admitted to the following HSE Masters’ programs: “Historical Knowledge,” “Medieval Studies,” “History of Culture and Art,” and “The Art Market” may participate in the Franco-Russian Program provided that they meet the criteria for admission to the EHESS Master’s program.
Students admitted to the EHESS Master’s degree in Social Sciences with a specialization in History may participate in the Franco-Russian Program provided that they meet the criteria for admission to HSE Master’s programs.
France – Contacts and information:
- Program Coordinator at EHESS : Mme Larissa Zakharova, 54 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris,
- Admissions Officer for MA in History:Mme Marie Calvary, 54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, marie.calvary@ehess.r
Russia – Contacts and information:
- Program Coordinator at HSE: M. Andrey Isérov, Moscow, 21/4, Staraya Basmannaya, office 307B,
phone. +7 (495) 772-95-90*22041,
- For administrative inquiries: Sofia Sadykova:
Main features of the Program
- A two-year program with a possible one-year stay in each of the two institutions
- The possibility for students to choose among a wide array of courses
- A challenging research supervision by two professors – one from each institution
- A dual qualification delivered by each of the two institutions
Organization of the Program
All French students selected for admission in the program will complete their first year at EHESS and their second year (or one semester during the 2nd year) at HSE. All selected Russian students will complete their first year at HSE, and volunteer students will be able to complete their second year or one semester during their second year at EHESS. However, it is possible for HSE students to complete their two-year curriculum in Russia.
The dual degree is designed along the following scheme: EHESS students will benefit from the teaching of a visiting professor from HSE, and HSE students will be required to validate a course delivered by a visiting professor from EHESS.
Registration and tuition fees
- Students will be administratively enrolled in both institutions for the duration of the Program. They will acquit the tuition fees due at their home university for the two years of the Program.
- Students will assume the financial burden incurred by their stay in the host institution, corresponding to their expenses, including textbooks, accommodation, food, travel, social security, and all other personal and medical expenses. Students will be expected to have social security coverage and to be insured for civil liability in compliance with each country’s legal regulations.
- In 2nd year, HSE students participating in the Program will be eligible for a mobility grant from the French government to proceed with their training at EHESS. The conditions for obtaining this scholarship are to be found on the official website of the French Embassy in Moscow.
- In case of obtaining a scholarship from the French government, HSE students will spend their 2nd year of training at EHESS in the MA in History.
- In the event of not obtaining a grant from the French government, HSE students, if they so wish, may continue their training at EHESS on condition that they cover for all their personal expenses (visa, travel, accommodation, food and health costs, purchase of all the necessary equipment for studying, etc.).
Administrative procedures
- Students are to personally deal with all administrative formalities for staying in the partner country, according to their personal situation and the existing procedures in the two countries. These procedures ought to be initiated before the final admission results into the Program are communicated.
First Year Curriculum
Semester 1
Introduction to research |
Core curriculum seminar (compulsory) Methodology of historical research OR « Recent trends in historical research » (EHESS/ HSE) 24 h
6 ECTS |
Speciality seminar and/or from the core curriculum (EHESS/ HSE)
24 h
6 ECTS |
Supervisor’s seminar (EHESS/ HSE)
24 h
6 ECTS |
Elective Seminar (outside MA History)
24 h
6 ECTS |
Elective workshop
24 h
6 ECTS |
Validation of seminars | |||||
Semester 2
Training to research |
Core curriculum seminar (compulsory) Methodology of historical research OR « Recent trends in historical research » (EHESS/ HSE) 24 h
6 ECTS |
Speciality seminar and/or from the core curriculum
24 h
6 ECTS |
Supervisor’s seminar
24 h
6 ECTS |
Elective Seminar (outside MA History)
24 h
6 ECTS |
Workshops on historiography Foreign languages IT
24 h
6 ECTS |
Dissertation (containing a study on the bibliography or the sources) : 60 pages |
Second Year Curriculum
Scheme for HSE students completing one semester or the whole second year at EHESS:
Semester 3
Strengthening |
Supervisor’s seminar
24 h
6 ECTS |
Speciality or elective seminar
24 h
6 ECTS |
Elective seminar (outside MA History)
24 h
6 ECTS |
Detailed outline + one chapter of dissertation (20 pages) Pre-defence (January)
12 ECTS |
Semester 4
Implementation |
Supervisor’s seminar
24 h 6 ECTS |
Dissertation writing (100 pages)
24 ECTS |
Scheme for HSE students completing their second year at HSE in partnership with EHESS:
Semester 3
Strengthening |
Supervisor’s seminar OR « Recent trends in historical research »
24 h
6 ECTS |
Speciality or elective seminar
24 h
6 ECTS |
Elective seminar (outside MA History)
24 h
6 ECTS |
Detailed outline + one chapter of dissertation (20 pages) Pre-defence (January)
12 ECTS |
Semester 4
Implementation |
Supervisor’s seminar OR « Recent trends in historical research » 24 h
6 ECTS |
Dissertation writing (100 pages)
24 ECTS |
Scheme for the EHESS students completing their second year at HSE:
Semester 3
Strengthening |
Supervisor’s seminar
24 h
6 ECTS |
Speciality or elective seminar
24 h
6 ECTS |
Elective seminar (outside MA History)
24 h
6 ECTS |
Detailed outline + one chapter of dissertation (20 pages) Pre-defence (January)
12 ECTS |
Semester 4
Implementation |
Supervisor’s seminar
24 h
6 ECTS |
Dissertation writing (100 pages)
24 ECTS |
Accommodation assistance
- HSE examines the possibility for students from EHESS to stay in one of its university residences, depending on the number of rooms available.
- EHESS prioritizes HSE students enrolled in the Program for the ten rooms reserved in the CROUS residences annually (Emeline Grondin:
Language courses
The Russian language courses offered at HSE for EHESS students completing their second year at HSE in Moscow, and the French language courses offered at EHESS for HSE students in their second year at EHESS may also be integrated into the students’ curriculum. Yet these courses do not grant credits, therefore they cannot be part of the 120 ECTS credits required to obtain both degrees.
Conditions of admission
- 10 students will be admitted each year (i.e. 5 students per institution)
- Admission is examined upon submitting an application. Selection will be made on the basis of students’ personal application file.
Application submission and information
Students enrolled at HSE and EHESS are to apply for the Program at the Office of their institution’s Master’s by May, 1st at the latest.
Students must provide the following documents by e-mail, in French
- CV
- Cover letter
- Research project (5 pages max.) which is planned to be carried in the partner institution, mentioning the potential supervisor and courses attended in the host institution
- Transcript of grades obtained in the first year in the leading institution
- Copy of the certificate of proficiency in English, or any document testifying to the command of the English language
- Copy of the passport allowing to apply for a visa for the Russian Federation or France
- Waiver signed by the applicant authorizing the host institution to inform the leading institution of the candidate’s grades and results
1 – Call for applications | Fall 2018 |
2 – Deadline for application submission | May 1st, 2019 |
3 – Communication of results to candidates | June 1st, 2019 |