Guillaume Minea-Pic

Guillaume Minea-Pic is a Ph.D. candidate and researcher in History and Civilization at the European University Institute in Florence and at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He works under Alexander Etkind and Juliette Cadiot’s supervision. He holds a master in Political Theory from Sciences Po Paris and a master in History from the EUI. In 2021, he has been a recognized student at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (Hillary Term) and a Visiting Scholar / Student Researcher at the University of California in Berkeley. His Ph.D. thesis explores the global origins of the Gulag in the pre-Stalin period and interrogates forced labor camps’ role in early Soviet culture.


Conference Communications & Papers

Concentration Campus, Penitentiaries or Red Bagnes? The Pre-Stalin Soviet Penitentiary System Within the History of Collective Confinement.”  ICCEES (International Council for Central and East European Studies) 10th World Congress. Bridging National and Global Perspective. August 2021. World Virtual Congress in Montreal.

« Pre-Stalin concentration camp system and wester penitentiary science. Forced labor as a social engineering strategy in early XX century, a comparative approach from the Soviet caseHarvard University, Harvard Graduate Conference in International History Labor and Discipline from a Global Perspective. April 2020.

« La Fabrique de l’Homme Nouveau. Les camps de concentration dans les stratégies d’ingénierie sociale européennes du XXe siècle. Approches comparées ». Université Pars-Est Créteil, Centre de Recherche en Histoire Européenne comparée. Héritages culturels européens, l’Europe comme héritage conflictuel, intellectuel et symbolique. December 2019 .


Book Chapters


„From War-Time Practice to Enduring Essentialization: An Analysis of the Soviet Use of Concentration Camps throughout the Russian Civil War”, in War and Communism, Eds. Tobias Hirschmüller and Frank Jacob, Leiden: Brill, WHS War (Hi) Stories, 2021. ISBN :  978-3-7705-79368, 978-3-8467-79368-6

Articles in public history journals

Tatouages : Language codé, L’Histoire, numéro Spécial « Les mondes du Goulag » n°461-462, juillet-aout 2019

Book Reviews

Crime and punishment in Russia: a comparative history from Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin by Jonathan Daly, European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire, 2021 DOI: 10.1080/13507486.2021.1920695

Désobéir en Démocratie, la pensée désobéissante de Thoreau à Martin Luther King, Manuel Cervera-Marzal. Fondapol Think Tank,, 2014.